At Aesthetic dental center after your dental examination the dentist will provide you with your treatment plan which can include scaling and polishing.
Scaling is a term used to describe cleaning of the teeth by our highly specialized ultra-sonic scalers.
Scaling removes extrinsic stains and calculus from the teeth.
Extrinsic stains are caused by smoking, consumption of tea/ coffee or also caused by deposition of stains by chromogenic bacteria.
Calculus is calcified or hard deposits present above or below the level of gingiva or gums. Presence of calculus detrimental for the health of the gums.
A routine scaling and polishing procedure take about 45 minutes to 1 hour. It is a completely painless procedure. We take extra care for the comfort of our patients. If sensitivity persists, we give painless local anaesthesia to make the procedure more comfortable.
After scaling, polishing is done by polishing paste. We also use air polisher which uses compressed air, water and powder to disrupt the oral bi film (which is responsible for the first step of deposition of plaque) and remove stains front tooth surface
Complete oral hygiene instructions are given which includes brushing method (strokes) and flossing technique is demonstrated to help you familiarize and inculcate this into your routine oral hygiene.